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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bummed out no longer.

I went to my first doctor's visit Thursday. It wasn't bad. I was able to understand everything the doctor said about my bum foot. Due to walking nearly two hours a day, back and forth from home and school, my right foot became swollen. I have very flat feet, so it's not hard to figure out why my foot has died on me. The doctor told me wear a bandage, to not walk, of course, and to take an anti-inflammatory pill in the morning and at at night. He also said I have to bath my foot in warm water for three to four minutes, do the same in cool water, dry it and then massage it with anti-inflammatory cream three times a day. The visit was free and I only had to pay 8 Euros for the two prescriptions. Yay, universal Spanish health care system!

The treatment is really paying off. My foot used to look like Eddie Murphy's foot in The Nutty Professor when he suddenly changed from thin, handsome Buddy Love to bloated Sherman Klump. Now, it's nearly back to normal. I've been cooped up in the apartment for the past three days as to stay off my feet, but tonight I'm going to enjoy the sounds of Alejandro Sanz. Sevilla is the last stop of his 2007 tour entitled "El tren de los momentos." I fell in love with Sanz during his 2002 Grammy performance with Destiny's Child, and a bum foot will not keep me away from him tonight. Woo hoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sooo envious...I'm am in love with Alejandro's voice...I have EL TREN DE LOS MOMENTOS.

It's all raspy and sexy hahaha

Cool blog, glad you're keepin' in touch with all the people who miss and love you!

Stay well!