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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day

While you all were eating red Frosty Morn hot dogs at a cook out to celebrate Labor Day or wondering why Bush made a surprise visit to Iraq, I was performing the nearly impossible task of talking with my host mother, Ines, and her daughter, Ana.

I love them and they have demonstrated the best hospitality, but trying to hold a long conversation with them only leaves me with a headache. After each rolling tongue-filled and rapid-paced conversation, I have to debrief in English with my roommate, Kareemah. And when Ines and Ana talk with each other, forget it! I find myself staring at each of their mouths -- back and forth, back and forth. It's as if I'm watching a tennis match. Granted my Spanish-speaking abilities aren't so poor that I can't understand anything or get around. I just have problems with new vocabulary and answering in a timely fashion. I tend to (1) listen to what Ines and Ana say, (2) translate it in English, (3) think of what I want to say in English, (4) translate my thoughts into Spanish and (5) , finally, say it. It's an arduous and ineffective process. But Ines is patient and says Kareemah and I are doing well, although we often ask her to repeat what she said or slow down, saying , "Repite, por favor." and "Despacio." Ines said in two months things will start to click. I sure hope so. Right now, I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Anonymous said...

what a wonderful time you're having. i'm totally jealous. save some time for me in late october. we'll salsa together.

miss you much.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dioni! What a great idea to have a blog. I have just been catching up on the past entries... sounds like you're having an awesome time!

And those afternoon siestas are right up your alley!! :)

I'll be keeping an eye on your blog, have fun! TTYL.

Dioni L. Wise said...

Dianna, my language professor busted my bubble the other day. She said that Americans have a warped sense of the siesta. You're only supposed to rest and maybe sleep for about 15-20 minutes. Most Americans, like me, take a 3-hour nap. I'm sad :(.